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#6 108/365
185 streak
Day 1,240
Under the highway
Day 1,241
Day 1,242
Hale in the sky
Day 1,243
Lonely leaf
Day 1,244
Day 1,245
They call it Art!
Day 1,246
Bridge over A7
Day 1,247
fountain n roundabout
Day 1,248
fire stairs
Day 1,249
Day 1,250
on the road again
Day 1,251
trees n black n white
Day 1,252
evening at the Waddensea
Day 1,253
ready for the party
Day 1,254
cuppa T
Day 1,255
blooming n insects
Day 1,256
crossing cattle on our way..
Day 1,257
blooming pink
Day 1,258
blooming pink 2
Day 1,259
morning in the wood
Day 1,260
big raindrops
Day 1,261
foxglove in a vase
Day 1,262
old n new
Day 1,263
morning in the woods
Before I started working I tookawalk in the woods near my job. It was such a nice and sunny morning.