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Urszula Stachowicz

I have memory of a goldfish. That’s why I need my Tookapic diary – to remember anything!
#9 12/365
266 streak
Day 721
Christmas Spirit
Christmas Spirit #christmas #theme-christmas-spirit #hat #grinch
Day 722
What will it be?
What will it be? OMG, OMG. I just looove this 'journey' new feature. <3 It remembers me that last year... I wasn't able to move and I was in so much p...
Day 723
Ugliest Sheep Ever
Ugliest Sheep Ever Finally completed last one gift. Well, this ram looks like nothing I wanted, but hey! It was right from the heart.
Day 724
Not enough hands
Not enough hands Not the same hands. Not the same place... Missing so bad...
Day 725
Naked muffins
Naked muffins I wish it was already after the New Year. I don't know how I'll make it.
Day 726
Missing Only few minutes left. Mum... I can't imagine this moment without you. I don't know how to survive this evening.
Day 727
Watching all day
Watching all day Not feeling well. Neither physically nor mentally. "The leftovers" on my screen. #theme-lazy
Day 728
Resting It's show time. One more day. One last show. Don't want to be here anymore. This house is no home anymore.
Day 729
Last streak
Last streak This year. And last swimming.
Day 730
2 Years sentence
2 Years sentence Well. It's been a long and difficult year. The main question was whether I should stay here. I probably have more than a half of stre...
Day 731
January is coming
January is coming So I guess it's my plan for New Year's Eve. And New Year. I feel like it was fresh start. With the beginning of this third year.
Day 732
Go away, I'm not sleeping
Go away, I'm not sleeping I'm working! #paperwork #studying #learning #theme-lazy #paper #self-portait
Day 733
playing I spent this terrible evening with my sister's family. I didn't even expect to have so much fun with board playing.
Day 734
WPE So here is my New Year resolution. I want this photo to be the worst in my 3rd year. Just kidding. I don't feel like taking photos today. I have s...
Day 735
Kitty is not well. We are going to have some tests on Saturday and cleaning teeth. He'll be sleeping. I'm scared to death.
Day 736
200 of 1 200
200 of 1 200 envelopes ready to send. Please. Kill me now.
Day 737
Colorfood Finally I have something to eat. I was even considering eating envelopes.
Day 738
#Shaving Fortunately Ginger got only antibiotic and I hope it'll help. He's a 15 yo senior now. We have to be careful. The most painful part of examin...
Day 739
It won't be better
It won't be better I'm so numb today.
Day 740
Winter ghost
Day 741
And there was nothing but snow
And there was nothing but snow I'm so in love with winter. I think something from my childhood still left. I was driving into snow drifts with mad smi...
Day 742
Blue time
Day 743
You didn't make our bed right. I helped you
So. We have to go to the vet once again. The antibiotic didn't work well, I had to stop it.
Day 744
Kill me now
I have no idea what I'm doing.