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#8 267/365
2 streak
Day 1,620
Painting a plane
Day 1,621
Where is winter?
Day 1,623
Tough morning
Day 1,625
Old lens
Again playing with my grandfather's 70-year-old Industar 50mm f3.5 lens, (Russian Zeiss's Tessar copy). I am again amazed by how sharp and un...
Day 1,629
Car full of stuff, family, and a huge tv.
Day 1,634
My favourite place on earth
Day 1,639
Coming back home
Day 1,641
It was dark after 4pm when finally I have time to play with my youngest son.
Day 1,643
New bird
Day 1,661
Drive south again
That was a crazy morning, 5h of driving in heavy snow, the road that normally took me less than 2h
Day 1,663
Winter sea
Day 1,665
Waiting for the grass
Day 1,667
Sunday in Cracow
Day 1,668
Winter again
Day 1,672
Carpentry lessons
Carpentry lessons
Day 1,686
Winter again
Day 1,699
Day 1,703
Beck in my second country.
Day 1,710
Old russian lenses
Day 1,720
Little bit better
Day 1,722
Coming back
Day 1,723
Family hike
4h Sunday trip
Day 1,728
My favouire artist
Day 1,735