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#8 267/365
2 streak
Day 1,702
Day 1,706
Day 1,714
EDK 2021 night
Day 1,715
EDK night continues
Day 1,716
Crazy day
Day 1,724
Waiting for spring
Day 1,733
another messy day on the building site, no time to even think about a decent photo.
Day 1,734
Another busy day. Only a quick streak sunset photo of the view that I hope newer gets me bored of.
Day 1,757
Coming back (again)
Day 1,765
Old Byzantine basilica
family trip
Day 1,769
Family diner
Day 1,782
Pizza and beer in our favorite pizzeria.
Day 1,548
Hike trip
It was raining whole week but I decided to go for a long hike as the weather forecast was not bad for that day.
Day 1,550
Day 1,598
Day 1,627
On a road again
Day 1,658
Shopping day
Day 1,657
No snow?
Day 1,660
Sunday early morning, waiting for PCR test as I would like to travel tomorrow.
Day 1,673
Carpentry class day 2
Day 1,677
Ski lessons
Day 1,682
Day 1,708
Clear view
Finally, no crane!
Day 1,709
Coming back
Early morning in Slovenia.