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#8 267/365
2 streak
Day 1,638
Saturday walk
Catching the last rays of the sun
Day 1,653
Windy day
The wind changed our plans but anyway we managed to have a nice 3h ski tour trip.
Day 1,669
Quick ski trip
Bad weather but it is good to move a little bit.
Day 1,688
Family trip
Day 1,704
Step by step
chasing our Mediterranean dream
Day 1,705
Day 1,730
Day 1,731
Back in HR
Day 1,732
In Croatia you can eat outside, so we ordered our favorite pizza barbana con tartuffo.
Day 1,773
Vaccine trip
Day 1,777
In the gallery
Day 1,787
Day 1,788
Wife 2
Day 1,792
Day 1,810
New trip
Day 1,811
empty beach
Day 1,477
Going south
Day 1,480
Watching stars
Watching stars
Day 1,484
Wathing falling stars
Back home, Poland, again watching falling stars.
Day 1,491
New setup
Finally, I rearrange all audio video stuff with multiple sources in one robust setup without too many cable changes and Apple TV as main dig...
Day 1,496
Big boat
Russian enemies on my favorite beach.
Day 1,498
time to come back
Day 1,514
Early morning run
Day 1,517
5k run before lunch