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agnieszka bladzik

#10 267/365
3,552 streak
Day 355
#morning #landscape #tuesday #water #sea #transport #day #boat #harbour #boats #sailing-boat #sails #september #maritime-transport
Day 357
transporter T2
yellow retro car made me smile today #thursday #october #afternoon #retro #car #road #street #transport #yellow #traffic #bus #trip #ve...
Day 360
#october #afternoon #landscape #sunday #water #sea #city #sky #transport #architecture #tower #europe #pier #faded #urban-scene
Day 361
#october #nature #afternoon #monday #red #fruit #season #vegetation
Day 363
#october #food #evening #sweet #candy #wednesday #dessert #brown #fruit #freshness #theme-breakfast #confectionery
Day 3
the duck
went to oliwa park in gdansk. shoot a lot of ducks. a lot #october #afternoon #sunday
Day 4
i'm not a player. my flatmate is. he disappears for whole evenings playing games #october #evening #monday #xbox
Day 6
wonder if I ever destroy my gym shoes. I got these pair for about 4 years now #october #afternoon #wednesday
Day 12
this photo project made me walking a lot recently. today about 7 km to marina and back #october #afternoon #tuesday
Day 13
typical for Sweden. I needed to buy it while I was there. each woman will find the reason to buy another bag. even shopping bag. btw i hate ta...
Day 17
people and the sea
they sat there together, so colorful #october #afternoon #sunday
Day 18
selfie of my camera #october #evening #monday
Day 21
I'm stuck in the train. 8 hours way home just turned to 9 hours. edit - got home just before midnight - so in fact it was good choice to publis...
Day 22
#october #autumn #fall #friday #afternoon
Day 23
pine cone
made some trouble for @tookapick with this photo. now they will work to make it idiot-proof #morning #saturday #november
Day 25
bite of summer
Pawel once said that blueberries always look good on photos The frozen one as well. This...
Day 27
the collection
so this is my small collection of vinyls. some really old ones and some new stuff as well. from symphonic, through rock to polish rap #...
Day 29
so this follow up to my collection from two days ago . This the new single album from Łona a...
Day 30
I was trying to take a photo of the mist today. I end up with almost a hundred of photos of drops on the leaves . it was hard to choose one. #mo...
Day 32
no ideas for photos today, no light just grenade #evening #monday #november
Day 33
high five
In gdynia they are running on independance day. #afternoon #tuesday #november
Day 34
Coming back from the gym, hungry as hell i was window eating. I got only photos of restaurants today. #evening #wednesday #window #november #din...
Day 37
volleyball tournament today - only teams from work. unfortunately my team did not make to semi-finals #afternoon #saturday #november
Day 38
back to the sea topic. one of those days when I got time and I'm back home with one hundred photos. I got few nice pictures of seagulls - but no...