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Artist, magician, improvisator, life enthusiast. Studying cognitive science. I just upload photos that my heart prompts me, trying to capture important moments in my life
#3 101/365
11 streak
Day 385
bye bye
I received my prints today :D spent 4 hours at work and tried mayonnaise ice cream, it was really strange :o I published my year summary, it w...
Day 618
a spider
I changed the inner tube and saddle on my bike, packed up and ate giant spaghetti
Day 366
just a day like any other ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
just a day like any other ¯\(ツ)/¯ hmmm what to write here... I feel really proud of myself, it got past really fast but also was difficult sometimes...
Day 500
soooooooo I've been photographing everyday constantly for 500 days! :D it's a big thing I think :o thank you all for being here and keep going, I...
Day 699
today I went to swimming pool, then to Cytat Cafe, had some time for myself, then met with Pola (it was a really nice meet) and in the evening I...
Day 576
this day was intensive - after having a shower I met Maja and Aleszka and had a talk about life with Maja then I had a walk around Lubiąż with Mo...
Day 588
my mom went to the hospital and I went to work in the evening I had an uke lesson with Piotrek (online cause I'm still a bit sick) and we wen...
Day 398
bokeh tree
taken 1m 57s after yesterday's midnight, inspired by @owcafoto's :D I haven't done things I had planned...
Day 598
after work I met with Karolina, had fries and went home with my dad (cause we forgot it's Sunday and missed our bus) my camera broke but I...
Day 565
still without a phone, sill everything works well ^^ in the morning I went to Ludi, we were hugging, watched an episode of a series, we hung her s...
Day 586
7th floor
today I've been to work, had to stay longer cause my last client missed the adress uh, I'm tired
Day 384
soo today I was reading about coronavirus and the vaccine, finished my digital detox week, meditated with Sebastian, Marta and Monika and...
Day 453
today we finally had an Improstal rehearsal in real world! we met at Asia's place, had cookies and played some scenes about a giant drill bit...
Day 608
in the morning I met with Maja and Mery, the meet of two chaos ^^ in the afternoon I had work, it was a nice day and I picked up the books f...
Day 610
I haven't cried for a long time, I mean for years today I did a lot . yesterday when I got home late, Kluska was not well and I knew we woul...
Day 416
a volunteer
today I was raising money for WOŚP with Ludi ^^ I started about 11 a.m, after 2 p.m. I met with Ludi (she bought me a surprise cofee what...
Day 454
tired but Makłowicz <3
after whole day of lectures I spent over 3h on reading texts for cognitive processes evolution :/ I was tired af but watched Im...
Day 510
sooo: - I woke up at 6:30 a.m. and learnt some linguistics - then I went to @kazziz, we had good time and Kazzi couldn't stop talking :D - then...
Day 564
kayakin with boiz
today I went to Enhap, we were kayaked together with his friend Bartek, then I went to Piotrek for an ukulele lesson and in the even...
Day 585
readin 5 levels again
doing stuff and reading, a day like many others :p
Day 578
the artist's mirror
yesterday I came back from Slot so today I was chilling, got a new phone and in the evening I went to the Artist's Way meeting ^^
Day 597
ruling in da hood
today I went to work, then I met with Karolina and Julia, we had some good time together and took a few photos ^^
Day 628
we spent whole day together, recovering, enjoying ourselves and sleeping around 4 hours, I also drew with Monik my first painting using my ne...
Day 465
ready to go!
I went to Cracow with Karolina, she met with Ala for the first time after two months so I provided technical & emotional support B) in th...