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...taking photos is my hobbY (: Currently I'm trying to get back to take regular photos... My longest strike was 423 days, it was so great adventure. :)
#2 112/365
1 streak
Day 365
..waiting foR
..maybe another year on Tookapic? 😉 Sorry, this is the only photo I took that day. #train #train-station #krakow #cracow #pociag #stacja...
Day 1
!hello worlD
#firstday #necklace #harry-potter #hello #naszyjnik #noczesc
Day 31
.Mnikowska valleY
In the Mnikowska valley there is a painting of the Virgin Mary painted on a rock. #theme-summer #valley #nature #rocks #painting #wa...
Day 301
.little junglE
#no-idea-photo #still-life #flowers #bouquet #colors #martwa-natura #bukiet #kwiaty #kolorowo
Day 60
Busy day, meeting with friends, and it was the only photo I took before midnight. ;) #theme-found-typography #photographer #signboard #f...
Day 185
#basement #piwnica
Day 440
.look uP
Visiting Krzyżtopór castle. :) #krzyztopor #zamek #castle #trip #wycieczka #ruiny-zamku #ruins
Day 6
#reflection #mirror #garden #grass #sky #clouds #experiment #odbicie #lustro #ogrod #trawa #niebo #chmury #eksperyment
Day 55
.3d paintinG
There used to be a large 3d ground painting in the market square in Wieliczka. But over the years it has been destroyed by time and weath...
Day 79
Very windy day today... #seagull #seagulls #gulls #birds #sea #morze #mewy #ptaki
Day 29
.lily and a buG
#theme-summer #lily #lily-flower #orange-lily #flower #bug #garden #lilia #robak #ogrod #kwiat
Day 9
It is nice to see a movie in cinema again. #cinema #movie #entertaiment #film #kino #rozrywka
Day 75
Today I took my sister to Alpaca Home for her birthday! Alpacas are so adorable <3 #alpaca #animal #adorable #birthday #alpaka #zwierze #urodzi...
Day 45
.dark mooN
#theme-dark #experiment #moon #3dprint #lamp #ksiezyc #lampka #eksperyment #takietam
Day 73
.my friend said it was a very nice labeL xD #beer #drink #restaurant #alcohol-free #alcohol-free-beer #piwo #piwo-bezalkoholowe #napoj #r...
Day 148
.halloween spiriT
#theme-halloween #garden #ghost #spirit #halloween #ogrod #duch
Day 18
#furniture #house #mebel #komoda #dom #mieszkanie
Day 47
..lavender bluE.
..dilly-dilly. Lavender green. If you were king, dilly-dilly. You'd need a queen. #lavender #flowers #garden #nature #lawenda #kwiaty...
Day 30
.mammatus cloudS
Strange clouds in this evening.. #clouds #sky #mammatus #mammatus-clouds #evening #niebo #chmury #mammatusy
Day 63
.super fresH
#theme-food #blueberry #fresh #plant #nature #garden #fruit #borowka #borowka-amerykanska #roslina #natura #ogrod #owoc #owoce
Day 65
.tree housE
#tree-house #birdhouse #tree #garden #budka-dla-ptakow #budkadlaptakow #domek #drzewo #ogrod
Day 435
A few days earlier I found out that there are praying mantis in Poland and here I met one live! #mantis #insect #nature #garden #modliszka #ow...
Day 3
#chive #chives # garden #flowers #szczypior #szczypiorek #ogród #kwiatki
Day 131
.Taj Mahal
Today I visited the Miniature Park in Inwałd. Many famous buildings, both from Poland and around the world. A great experience. :) #taj-mah...