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I live in Edinburgh in Scotland, I enjoy taking wildlife photos mainly birds. I am now on my 7th year which highlights my daily interaction with a young Heron at a nearby loch.
#9 150/365
7 streak
Day 366
The extra one
This picture seemed a fitting end to my project. I Am still uncertain as to what I will do. If I can think of a different project I may...
Day 367
Linlithgow Palace
After a week not posting, I have decided too continue into a new project. I am hoping to do this one in mono and not to do anywhere...
Day 368
Newhaven Lighthouse
A close up of the lighthouse, which may figure more often in the project and yes a bird has photobombed its way into my second sho...
Day 369
Ristorante De Niro
Now closed! This Floating restaurant started life in 1919 as a navel minesweeper. It was recently rebuilt as a restaurant but faile...
Day 370
Rooftoops and a Castle
A theme shot and a distant view of Edinburgh Castle! #thursday #afternoon #august #theme-roofs
Day 371
Deformed beak
Yes even in my first week a bird! An unusual one though, it has a very deformed bill, about twice the size of a normal gull's beak. #fri...
Day 372
Burntisland East Breakwater Lighthouse...
I didn't have to leave Edinburgh to photograph it. For some reason it was moved to Edinburgh from Fife some...
Day 373
Some rooftops in the North of Edinburgh. #afternoon #sunday #august #theme-roofs
Day 374
The Bass Rock
A island on the Forth nr North Berwick which is home to the world's largest colony of Northern gannets. The lighthouse is now unmanned w...
Day 375
Old Tech
This would have been the latest Tech at one time. Stands now as a reminder of things past. #afternoon #tuesday #august #theme-tech
Day 376
Old Tech 2
This "lighthouse" is some way away from the sea. In reality it was not really a light house at all. It was the warehouse and light testing...
Day 377
Old Tech 3
An Edinburgh Police box. At one time there were many of these boxes in use around the city. They were essentially a telephone box for beat...
Day 378
Old Tech 4
At one time this was the only way to keep in touch when on the go. There were many of these kiosks dotted around the city. Now that most pe...
Day 379
Old Tech 5
In it's day this would have been a state of the art city defense system. #afternoon #saturday #august #theme-tech
Day 380
Really pushed for time today so just a quick shot! #afternoon #sunday #flower #august
Day 381
Newhaven Lighthouse
Another shot at the lighthouse! #afternoon #monday #august
Day 382
Port Seton Harbour
Went down the coast a bit to Port Seton. The tide was out :( so I had to improvise a bit! #afternoon #tuesday #harbour #august
Day 383
The Cemetery
A quick shot at the Cemetery on the way home! #afternoon #wednesday #cemetery #august
Day 384
Jackson's Close
One of the many closes (alleyways) in the old town. I could make an occasional series there are so many! #morning #thursday #close #au...
Day 385
...Ships and yet more ships. Busy harbour today! #friday #afternoon #ships #august
Day 386
A Lighthouse no more
A visit today to Western Harbour. The old disused lighthouse is in a bad way. #afternoon #saturday #lighthouse #august #derelict
Day 387
Bakehouse Close
Another of the Closes series. This time a bigger one. The archway at the top end dates from 1570. #afternoon #sunday #august #bakehous...
Day 388
Inchkeith island
A shot of Inchkeith island and lighthouse! #afternoon #monday #august #inchkeith
Day 389
Craig's Close
Well he was when he took this shot! Another in the Edinburgh Close series! #afternoon #tuesday #august #craigs-close