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181 photos from 2 people. Curated by
Day 2,647
I don't know much about cars...
... but I know when mine is making odd noises. Was planning on driving back to Sarnia for the long weekend (and to sta...
Day 2,643
Sharp-shinned Hawk?
I don't know my raptors really well. I'm leaning towards the hawk for this one (mostly because the internet-people think so.) Coul...
Day 2,638
Common Grackle
Spring must be near, the grackles are starting to show up. Also: One year away from 3,000 pictures.
Day 2,639
.... snow...
Poor Red-winged Blackbird caught in a bit of late March snow.
Day 2,636
Evening Grosbeak
Sunny afternoon for this male grosbeak to enjoy.
Day 2,635
Red-winged Blackbird
Crappy weather, this bird is not having any of it. #theme-springtime
Day 2,631
American Crow
I've had three crows hanging around the feeder recently. They've all been too skitish to get a picture of... until now. Mind you I was i...
Day 2,623
Snack Time
Blue Jay enjoying some suet.
Day 2,621
Beardy the Evening Grosbeak
The bird on the left has some odd colouration. Almost looks like he's got a bit of a beard going on.
Day 2,607
Garbage, but it counts
I as 98% certain I heard a Pileated Woodpecker. This photo pushes that certainty to 100%
Day 2,600
Great Backyard Bird Count: Day 2
Great Backyard Bird Count: Day 2 Nothing exciting on my GBBC so far this year. Some Hairy woodpeckers, ravens, various nuthatches, chickadees, and gro...
Day 2,599
Another Chickadee
A bright, if not cold, day.
Day 2,596
Blue Jay
Day 2,593
Day 2,591
Day 2,587
Plus One!!!
After a couple of days of -40 degree weather we hit a high of +1! This black-capped chickadee seemed to enjoy the sudden warm spell.
Day 2,582
Eat and Go
Day 2,576
Birds of a feather
Day 2,573
Looking for Scraps
In the late afternoon the Chickadees will often hang out beneath the feeders looking for scraps. What's odd about this: There is st...
Day 2,570
All Caught Up
Only twenty days into the New Year and I've been caught with my pants down... Or at least I have kept on top of uploading photos. Here's...
Day 2,568
Day 2,562
Day 2,571
Reason not to carry the real camera...
... I'm way more likely to see wildlife. Like this Barred Owl.
Day 2,559
Common Redpoll
First of 2023!!! These little ones (had three by the feeder this morning) don't typically hang out by the office, preferring the Mainte...