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It used to be the only grocers with milk and cream given in bottles. The new one is being built. It takes about 9 years. Not finished but already devastated.

4 photos from 1 person. Curated by
Day 463
It was a shop window and a gate. It-the one hiding behind- has been under construction for about 9 years. #theme-sky #ruina #wbudowie #portos
Day 460
Red beret
Dziś nie chcę ładnego obrazka, tylko fragment z ulicy niedaleko mojej. W tle budowa sklepu, która trwa już ok 9 lat. Wcześniej był tu też sk...
Day 462
It was a roof of the shop I had written previously about. The old one remains, the new one hasn't been built yet. #theme-sky #rozpad #ruina #wbud...
Day 467
A store under construction #portos #underconstruction #ladder #balckandwhite