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81 photos from 1 person. Curated by
Day 1,923
pastel sunrise
a great start to the day - pastel sunrise chce się żyć (Amber też chce się żyć, i jeść, i biegać, i jeść, i tarzać się w śniegu, i jeść...
Day 1,924
same place the next morning
Day 1,931
the road
today is my older daughter's birthday. On this occasion, I received a beautiful bouquet of flowers from her - this is our tradition: I give h...
Day 1,919
foggy morning was today
Day 1,940
The thaw has begun and the morning mists have come with it. The sun decided that the time had come for him too. The sun and fog accompanied us on our...
Day 1,507
foggy morning
day like everyday any weather, neither cold nor warm, but humid and on the way to work, the pastel sky and morning fog and how not to st...
Day 1,983
blue sky, white clouds
a stop on the way to work and a walk among 'our' trees. We have a 'spring' sunny, frosty morning with snow still lying in the f...
Day 1,888
foggy day
the first day of 2021
Day 2,997
the road to ...
on my way to work #theme-white
Day 1,925
trees #3
road - part three
Day 1,904
just sunrise
morning walk with Amber
Day 1,901
to work
my way to work
Day 1,985
'my' road
a my jak zwykle w drodze do pracy - dzisiaj w nastroju 'urodzinowym' and we, as usual, on the way to work - today in a 'birthday' mood #them...
Day 1,857
in a puddle
on my way to work #theme-black-and-white
Day 1,934
the road
no time, no idea
Day 1,984
the sky
spring is here .... #theme-sky
Day 2,255
just sunrise
a ja w ramach postanowień noworocznych postanawiam, że w 2022 zrobię co najmniej 52 zdjęcia mojej drogi do pracy z "krzywym drzewem" - i...
Day 2,262
rano było trochę mgły na mojej drodze do pracy in the morning there was a bit of fog on my way to work #theme-signs
Day 1,964
another morning when the world woke up covered with a snow blanket. It's cold and windy on the morning walk. But sky is full of feathery cloud...
Day 1,973
a ja ciągle w drodze do pracy ....
Day 2,249
foggy morning
my way to work
Day 2,999
and ... trees
on my way to work ... #theme-white
Day 2,109
just tree
short walk with Amber
Day 2,167
foggy sunrise
my way to work - in the golden hour #theme-golden