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39 photos from 1 person. Curated by
Day 288
Etihad Stadium
Overlooking Melbourne City from Docklands at dusk. #office #saturday #downtown #water #city #reflection #urban #sky #sunset #cityscape...
Day 295
Splash of Colour
It felt colder than last night, this time standing alone by the harbour watching the fireworks over the water. Silly me only took my...
Day 307
City View
Today there has been a massive fire at a recycling plant near Melbourne city, so the city had been covered with smoke for most of the day. T...
Day 311
Docklands Late Afternoon
I've shot this view quite a few times. The stillness of the water at night is beautiful and often mirror-like. Rarely am I he...
Day 330
Point Ormond Sunset
Taken looking up at Point Ormond from the bottom of the hill. You can just see the city through the trees on the right. #outdoors...
Day 378
The city
Headed here after work, arrived about half an hour before sunset. I managed to completely miss the sunset because my drone decided that NOW w...
Day 379
Albert Park
Yesterday was a sudden 30 degree day... we've gone from a few weeks of 12-13 degrees to suddenly 30 degrees. After it cooled down somewhat...
Day 380
End of the Day
Today was a bit of a disappointment - I went all the way to the other side of the city to watch the fireworks and they were cancelled....
Day 386
Riverfire is Brisbane's big night of fireworks (bigger than NYE) and I have had this planned since around March or so. I was a little unhapp...
Day 387
The River City
I've been itching to try out my drone a little bit closer to a city, and managed to find a stretch of park with not too many people in...
Day 388
Marge the rains are 'ere!
Brisbane has gone through an incredibly dry hot winter. Hot to the extent of 30+ degrees throughout winter, and nearly 40+ d...
Day 391
Obligatory cityview of Brisbane City with the drone from the suburbs, during my last day in Brisbane. :) #morning #thursday #october #outdoors...
Day 392
Hello Sydney
No, not a drone photo this time. :) We had a very bumpy flight from Brisbane to Sydney due to cloud cover, but the cloud cover broke just...
Day 397
Spring Morning
This morning I decided to get off the tram 2 stops early and walk up to work instead of being squished in with everyone else. It was qu...
Day 406
Shadows of the City
Watching the shadows rise to the east as the sun sets in the west. #october #friday #afternoon #office #downtown #street #city #ur...