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Trams and Trains

78 photos from 1 person. Curated by
Day 322
The Road
I bought myself a shiny new toy, which arrived today: Samyang 14mm f2.8. I forgot what it's like to use a wide lens! To celebrate I went and...
Day 335
Sunset Tram
This shot was completely unplanned - I turned around to get a photo of the sunset and the tram was just there, heading towards me. I had n...
Day 370
I know I've shot here before, but it's the first time I've taken my Sony out since my last milky way photos (at least according to the memory...
Day 371
It's a wet and cold day today.... very wet. The stupidest thing you can do is to run for a tram on a slippery platform. So often it doesn't en...
Day 394
Intercity & Interurban
I'm back home now. Flew home yesterday. Getting from my Mum and Dad's house to my house consists of a 2.5 hour train trip to Sy...
Day 410
Trains and Tracks
A dark and dreary day yesterday, but I managed to convince myself to head out for a walk after work. I didn't realise until after I...
Day 678
Waiting in a train
Warning: Failed outing description ahead! I decided to try for a dark site for Milky Way - jumped on the 4:40pm Nambour train and e...
Day 814
Brisbane recently released a New Generation Rollingstock (NGR) for its suburban trains - a fully integrated 6 car train (vs 2x3 car sets). Surpris...
Day 864
Train Set
I like trains.
Day 946
Went back to the tram museum today to celebrate/mourn the 50th anniversary of the shutdown of the tram network here in Brisbane.
Day 951
Incoming train
Waiting for the train in the late afternoon.
Day 1,006
Destination: Ferny Grove
Standing on the end of the platform at Roma St station watching the trains take all the people home. :)
Day 1,065
Farewell EMU 01
Carriage set Electric motor unit (EMU) 01 is being retired, as are most of the EMU trains. Being that this set was the first electric...
Day 1,244
The train arriving on platform 2....
A spur of the moment, handheld image created with the use of the light painting/silky water setting on my phone.
Day 1,278
Train home
End of the day, the Ipswich train taking everyone home.
Day 1,305
Train 742
Same train type as the other day, but (slightly) different position. @radsatz, this was the 6:18pm at Sandgate which leaves Brisbane city at...
Day 1,369
I was itching to get out of the house and finally did so at about 8pm. This is about a 15 minute walk from my house. A nice view but a pain...
Day 1,374
Flinders St
Platform 4, as seen from the train.
Day 1,378
Day 1,390
Southern Cross Station
Looking down at all the V-line (long distance) trains.
Day 1,405
Day 7
First week is over. I had to go into the city and decided to grab a photo while I could. #6021 #6085
Day 1,417
Tram Jam
A long line of trams stretched several blocks due to an unknown blockage further up. This was the other end of it. #6038
Day 1,427
Day 1,474
Ding Ding