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Hanna Gawrychowska

dog lover, cat lover, food connoisseur, book reader, breeder fish in the pond, stroller, budding amateur photographer, tax advisor ... I don't know who yet .... but at the end ... Hania
#9 340/365
2 streak
Day 1,554
sunny day
yesterday was a sunny day
Day 1,556
Gdańsk - rainy morning
with visit to the customer #theme-in-motion
Day 1,558
I love Gdańsk
Day 1,559
on the street
Gdansk #theme-in-motion
Day 1,562
Gdansk by night
return from work
Day 1,564
we are working
hard working .... #theme-out-the-window
Day 1,565
by night
Gdańsk by night
Day 1,566
Valentine's Day
Day 1,567
after Valentine's Day
Day 1,568
light and shadow
in my home
Day 1,570
deep red
no time, no idea - but i have beautiful rose
Day 1,571
zainteresował mnie kontrast między gladkimi czarnymi spodniami i skarpetkami, że nie wspomnę o butach I was interested in the contrast between s...
Day 1,572
street art
I love street art
Day 1,576
The family of man
finally came to me - touching, moving, interesting
Day 1,578
the pier
Wednesday = pier in Gdynia Orłowo
Day 1,579
snow in my garden
Could it snow at night?
Day 1,580
in the forest
like every day - a morning walk with the dog
Day 1,581
in the forest #2
like every day - a morning walk with Amber
Day 1,583
just polypody
not in my garden
Day 1,585
the gravel pit
on the way to work
Day 1,586
blue sky
am I working ?
Day 1,591
in the forest
it's called forest management ...
Day 1,592
by the sea
today is Wednesday so ...
Day 1,594
last gerbera
in my house by night