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One day at a time...
#10 274/365
3,559 streak
Day 2,431
Pool again
Forth time this week, feels good
Day 2,432
Off to Zurich
It’s been a while
Day 2,433
Cultural tour of an intriguing city
Day 2,434
Glass half full
Or half empty. A bit like my day. #theme-half
Day 2,435
The other half
With a wink to @myno at the #theme-half
Day 2,436
Yay, Oscar passed his motorbike licence this morning. This is him giving me a ride home from the station on the back
Day 2,437
Another good day
Driving home In Oscar’s « new » car that we found two weeks ago on another
Day 2,438
Rando Burger
Where Eva works at weekends, and where Oscar and I go and eat 😊
Day 2,439
Early morning shopping with Oscar in his new car
Day 2,440
Fabulous early morning 1.8km lake-crossing in Geneva with Alexis and 980 other swimmers. This is us just before.
Day 2,441
Lac de Joux
Touring on my motorbike: empty roads, sunshine and this beautiful lake that I must swim in one day 😊
Day 2,442
Pretending to be a tourist
Day 2,443
Seeing red
Day 2,444
Black 😢
A dear friend died in a horrific road accident. Life can be so cruel, all kind of emotions coming up.
Day 2,445
The pool
Where I go to heal
Day 2,446
Pool again
Who am I?
Day 2,447
A new day
Sunrise at 7h09. Finding peace.
Day 2,448
And Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance! Changing lightbulbs.
Day 2,449
A day down rabbit holes. Just time for one photo
Day 2,450
Fresh milk
Rui fetching fresh milk for his coffee shop
Day 2,451
Pool (almost) to myself
Been a crazy week so happy I managed to slot in a swim today
Day 2,452
Good swim
Making the most of each day before the pool closes next week
Day 2,453
Another day, another swim
Pull buoy for C.
Day 2,454
BMW 750 GS
Trying out a bigger bike, in the rain no less. Bit of a crazy day with COVID tests for the kids, both coming negative fortunately. (@pawelk...