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One day at a time...
#10 179/365
3,464 streak
Day 2,263
Lovely afternoon at the MCBA discovering Maurice Denis‘s beautiful colors at the exhibition “Amour”
Day 2,264
Hungry for art
Visited Israel Ariño‘s intriguing exhibition “On ne photographie pas une chose simplement pour ce qu’elle est, mais pour ce qu’elle est...
Day 2,265
Day 35
Crazy good climb in a howling snowstorm!
Day 2,266
Winter is back
More fresh snow this morning ⛄️
Day 2,267
Touching my shadow
« The brighter the light, the darker the shadow » Carl Jung #theme-shadows
Day 2,268
Amazing, fabulous, scary, fun, magical, exhilarating: crazy ski-touring "race" with my sporty friend Alexis in the pitch black of night and 6...
Day 2,269
« Shadow work is the path of the heart warrior » Carl Jung #theme-shadows
Day 2,270
Day 37
Fabulous climb and un-tracked powder run down with Y.
Day 2,271
Happy happy
Oscar’s first ski-tour climb: at the top of « my » mountain! Proud and happy Dad 😊
Day 2,272
Five 4000s
Weisshorn, Zinalrothhorn, Ober Gabelhorn, Dent Blanche and Matterhorn. Fabulous day!
Day 2,273
Busy day
Just one pic
Day 2,274
Day 40
Lots of work but couldn’t resist a quick climb and ski in the middle of the day to enjoy the gorgeous sunshine and great snow. Life is good 😊
Day 2,275
Day 41
Lunchtime climb and picnic overlooking the lake and the Alps. Another glorious day 😃 If you look carefully you can see the Weisshorn, Dent Blan...
Day 2,276
Day 42
Not the only one climbing. Another good day, finished and delivered an order for a large print.
Day 2,277
Day 43
Very busy day, very quick climb!
Day 2,278
Day 44
Late afternoon climb, better weather coming from then west...
Day 2,279
Discovered the stupendous wild mountains of the Val Ferret. Great strong climb to Tête de Ferret at 2714m. Looking forward to going back 😃
Day 2,280
What summit to climb next...
Day 2,281
Day 46
Raced to the top of my mountain with Alexis to catch the beautiful sunset.
Day 2,282
Day 47
Midday climb, and first day not wearing gloves
Day 2,283
Day 48
Crazy day, so happy to climb at the end of the day. Strange feeling as there was no one at all on the mountain. Maybe because there was thunder...
Day 2,284
Day 49
Early morning climb. Lots of driving afterwards
Day 2,285
Feels right
Day 2,286
On looking forward