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One day at a time...
#10 274/365
3,559 streak
Day 2,311
Visor down
First ride with my licence 😃
Day 2,312
Super-efficient mass vaccination in Lausanne. Next dose in five weeks.
Day 2,313
On a rainy day
Day 2,314
Another ride
Yes that’s sleet on the windshield, it was May!
Day 2,315
9 degrees
Some days I just have to swim. Today was one of those! Cold, even with the wetsuit, but good for me!
Day 2,316
The sun and her flowers
Another touching Rupi Kaur book of poems. « love is understanding we have the power to hurt one another but we are going to do...
Day 2,317
A little like my day, but happy to have another one of my old fillings replaced at the dentists, where this was taken
Day 2,318
Back in the studio
Day 2,319
“The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now.” ― Chinese proverb
Day 2,320
At home
After a cold and wet week it was especially nice to have dinner in the garden
Day 2,321
Day 2,322
Just one
Complicated day, no time for more than one pic
Day 2,323
Early morning
Late to bed, early rise. Foggy brain like the weather
Day 2,324
Just one photo
Again....getting close to losing my streak....
Day 2,325
Great walk
Up to see the snow on « my » mountain
Day 2,326
For a project
Day 2,327
Off shopping
With Oscar, getting motobike gear
Day 2,328
Rain rain rain
Good day all the same
Day 2,329
Train to Zermatt
My favorite ski resort
Day 2,330
My other mountain
Great to be back, feel very lucky
Day 2,331
Day 54
Another incredibly day’s skiing in Zermatt. One more day maybe... ?
Day 2,332
Day 2,333
Somethings are so very hard
Day 2,334
Found a bike to buy!