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One day at a time...
#10 274/365
3,559 streak
Day 2,359
Through the Old Town of Geneva before a lovely long swim in the lake
Day 2,360
Good lake swim #theme-negative-space
Day 2,361
Mind the gap
Good day, good swim
Day 2,362
Good day
Day 2,363
Well actually trying to not get too wet!
Day 2,364
Busy day, just one photo shopping
Day 2,365
You have the right to change your mind
Fun Ikea shopping with Eva … and in the afternoon what looks like a green light to an eleven year photo project...
Day 2,366
Complicated morning. #theme-stairs
Day 2,367
Busy busy
Five trains, three buses, two trams, one exhibition… and a staircase. #theme-stairs
Day 2,368
« Life tells you to take the elevator, but love tells you to take the stairs » ~ David Levithan #theme-stairs
Day 2,369
« Motorbike school » morning with Oscar. Emergency braking was …interesting!
Day 2,370
Bike wash
Cleaning the bikes with Oscar 🚿
Day 2,371
What an evening!
Big storm over the lake before the incredible France-Switzerland game
Day 2,372
Through the glass
Not the most efficient day
Day 2,373
Getting ready
Testing lighting for a 140-person group photo
Day 2,374
Going home
Day 2,375
In bed
Day 2,376
Ready with Oscar for a morning of 🏍 school
Day 2,377
Received “The Polaroid Book” as a gift 😊, this is a photo by Arno Rafael Minkkinen, one of my favorite photographers
Day 2,378
Pool time
So windy these days, so pool it is! #theme-pastel
Day 2,379
Where did Summer go?
Rain rain rain…
Day 2,380
Always feels good 😊 #theme-pastel
Day 2,381
Nothing stops me 🏊‍♂️
Awful weather again, but hey! #theme-pastel
Day 2,382
Every day a bit faster 😃