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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 304/365
670 streak
Day 2,289
tree in motion
#intentionalcameramovement #theme-art
Day 2,290
Day 2,291
a peace symbol made by our pupils
Day 2,293
traces of a hungry beaver
... and it was not the only tree in the surroundings! 🤪
Day 2,295
a hat
We had a funny photo walk last night. My pupils were very motivated!
Day 2,296
Day 2,297
box. or ford?
I made this photomontage in a course about free art and design software. And now... I do not know for sure if I will ever use photoshop...
Day 2,298
forest biking
Day 2,302
en duva flög bort och tittade inte tilbaka
The pigeon was back today but did not really want to pose for me. The title of todays and yesterdays pics a...
Day 2,303
två duvor satt på en gren och tyckte om varandra igen
peace and love :-)
Day 2,306
Cherry blossom in Bern
sunset walk from Bern train station to Rosengarten #theme-city-lines
Day 2,308
Day two of our great weekend on Grimsel Hospiz
Day 2,310
city hike
walked home from the city
Day 2,312
autumn in spring
Day 2,315
an other side of Bern
mighty old oak trees and one of the skyscrapers of Wittigkofen quarter
Day 2,316
color explosion
#motion-blur #intentional-camera-movement #zoom
Day 2,317
great spotted woodpecker
this one was keeping me from doing my work today :-P sitting in the tree of the two pigeons by the way!
Day 2,319
winter and spring at a time
Day 2,321
... with very young cones. The branch was lying on the ground after yesterday's storm.
Day 2,322
almost symmetric
We walked along lake Thun all the way from Faulensee to Thun. I took this pic in the end of the hike shortly before arriving at the t...
Day 2,323
tiny spring flowers. We call them 'Katzenaugen', which means 'cat's eyes'.
Day 2,324
bunny family
before one of them had to leave because he became my godchild's bunny
Day 2,325
...tein or dein?
my godchild gave me lots of stones :-)
Day 2,326
3 bridges
We travelled all the way from Bern to the Slovenian capital by train today!