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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 304/365
670 streak
Day 2,548
Day 2,532
Kirmes time!
S. was a brave little astronaut! Much fun for her today!
Day 2,527
burning sky
Blue and yellow. Don't forget Ukraine!
Day 2,324
bunny family
before one of them had to leave because he became my godchild's bunny
Day 2,365
tiny plant
but what is it? Do you know?
Day 2,464
I was trying to take a pic of two lazy feet in front of the TV when suddenly this image of fresh cheese appeared for a short moment. Turned...
Day 2,554
confetti without carnival = Zibelemärit Bern
Day 2,553
autumn leaves
Yes, autumn leaves! Winter comes!
Day 2,546
flap flap flap flap flap
a bird starting on river Aare
Day 2,545
Day 2,541
Hier könnte ein Baum stehen.
here could be a tree
Day 2,537
dr schöne grüene Aare na
some idiot felt like he had to bomb every single picture of this little photo exhibition on the banks of the aare
Day 2,536
One day I want to get off in Wuppertal to ride the suspension railroad!
Day 2,526
Day 2,520
colors of autumn
ugly and beautiful at the same time
Day 2,517
toilet door
I had a great evening with E. and helped her with her decision to move back to Bern 😃
Day 2,515
bad train pic
one of the reasons why I returned to Tookapic: There's no other place where I can upload a meaningless, bad quality pic just to keep my...
Day 2,375
low contrast
Day 2,456
in my hand
#hand #mirror #travellingbytrain
Day 2,550
light at night
Day 2,376
the city, the river and the old wooden bridge
#aare #river #city #dinner #sunset #friendship
Day 2,484
lots of cables
I brought my stuff back from the rehearsal-room because we decided to put a stop to our band :-(
Day 2,538
autumn leaves
a little bit
Day 2,529
The little earth called Uvi wants to save the climate on the big earth. He is the mascot of a people's initiative.