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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 147/365
513 streak
Day 2,555
some may remember the zebra hiding in a prominent place around the railway station of Bern
Day 2,554
confetti without carnival = Zibelemärit Bern
Day 2,553
autumn leaves
Yes, autumn leaves! Winter comes!
Day 2,552
Baden ❤️🖤🤍
= home
Day 2,551
towards the sky
the natural way and the human way
Day 2,550
light at night
Day 2,549
cool school project
Moving picture by a pupil painted on base of a long time exposure
Day 2,548
Day 2,547
long days, much work
Day 2,546
flap flap flap flap flap
a bird starting on river Aare
Day 2,545
Day 2,544
abstract motion
Day 2,543
autumn leaves
...not yet. Winter not in sight.
Day 2,542
time to walk
all along the platform and back
Day 2,541
Hier könnte ein Baum stehen.
here could be a tree
Day 2,540
lonely worker in the rain
and a teacher on her way to work
Day 2,539
mirror, mirror
Aare. Low water.
Day 2,538
autumn leaves
a little bit
Day 2,537
dr schöne grüene Aare na
some idiot felt like he had to bomb every single picture of this little photo exhibition on the banks of the aare
Day 2,536
One day I want to get off in Wuppertal to ride the suspension railroad!
Day 2,535
hi there!
feeding racoons with my godchild
Day 2,534
her first art exhibition
I thought it was a 'brave' decision to visit an art exhibition with the two small children (2 years / 5 months old). But obvi...
Day 2,533
A cold day. After few minutes at the lake shore the girl decided that we should go back home.
Day 2,532
Kirmes time!
S. was a brave little astronaut! Much fun for her today!