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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 296/365
662 streak
Day 1,307
Day 1,333
stone dog
amazing stone formations called ‚raukar‘ in Swedish, on Fårö
Day 1,388
no waiting area
After rush hour in one of the most frequented train stations of Switzerland - it was built for 16000 passengers per day 60 years ago,...
Day 1,399
after the sunset and before the moonset
Beautiful late summer day in Ticino! @radsatz if you want to find out the names of these mountains you'll need...
Day 1,400
primary colors
We bought new armchairs for my parent's holiday appartment today. Hope they like it! 🙃
Day 1,413
Postauto station at night
I missed my commuter train in Bern last night and so I had some time to go up to the roof of the train station and take some...
Day 1,434
went to work with a headache and came home with a migraine 😥
Day 1,464
Day 1,469
mixer and cable
Day 1,491
byebye, 2019 - hello, 2020!
I wish all of you tookaguys a happy new year!
Day 1,493
the man and the sea
The last day before we need to travel home again, not one ray of sun, but we‘re just happy to be at the seaside on this beautiful...
Day 1,533
What are you doing??
After my let's say 70th try to shoot this pic with the little camera that has a flash and makes noise like a real camera (but tak...
Day 1,538
Halen Bridge leading over the Aare River
Day 1,549
UFO has landed
Day 1,578
My and my Tookaprofile
The Pulpo Takeover, Day 3 🐙
Day 1,585
Pulpo Sounds
The Pulpo Takeover, Day 10 🐙 Ha! Can YOU play 7 voices, sing AND take a selfie at the same time? I think I should become famous! And some...
Day 1,592
the difference?
The Pulpo Takeover, day 17 🐙 I found some easter bunnies in the kitchen. They have an ugly 💩-like color and are wrapped in plastic. An...
Day 1,593
nom nom...
The Pulpo Takeover, day 18 🐙 This hard, 💩-colored bunny tastes quite much better than the pink one did!
Day 1,600
yellow and blue
(and a little bit of green) #theme-vernal
Day 1,610
Trying something new
Jazzie took a saxophone lesson today. She says that she wants to learn some more about playing the saxophone, but also to support...
Day 1,631
can I, Pulpo, be a still life?
#theme-minimal-still-life #the-pulpo-takeover #camera #creative-animal-tuesday
Day 1,659
can I be a fence?
As you can see I can not stand on my head without help. I tried to fence myself. Kind of. Just for the pic, of course. I'm not a psy...
Day 1,666
I. need. more. coffee!!
🐙☕️ #the-pulpo-takeover #creative-animal-tuesday #theme-coffee
Day 1,675
negative after-image
Do you know the optical phenomenon called 'negative after-image'? - just stare at a certain point on my pic without moving your e...