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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 296/365
662 streak
Day 1,228
flower hat
#tiny-people #sitting #hat #yellow-flower #spring
Day 1,266
... but sweetened! no. 1 #lime #colored #theme-sweet #pink #surreal
Day 1,389
photo walk to an old industrial area
with my pupils
Day 1,467
Chalet Firn
I took new pictures of the Chalet of my parents-in-law today, they are renting it out since 7 years now. Most of the interior pics are new...
Day 1,475
avalanche protection
These fences protect the village of Wengen against avalanches.
Day 1,500
a 'wall' of bricks
when there are no bricks available! #theme-bricks
Day 1,528
sun and snow
and the Eiger
Day 1,556
What I made with my Mini Prints
Day 1,572
Say cheese!
Cameraclette 😋 #my-pandemic-oven #theme-at-home #stupid-ideas #no-camera-was-harmed-in-the-making-of-this-picture
Day 1,573
Pulpo stole my camera 🐙🤬
#my-pandemic-bathroom #no-camera-was-harmed-in-the-making-of-this-picture #stupid-ideas
Day 1,584
hide and seek
The Pulpo Takeover, day 9 🐙 ... and tomorrow she'll ask herself why her saxophone sounds so bad (it's because I left all the shower gels...
Day 1,596
hi there, Froggies!
The Pulpo Takeover, day 21 🐙 I am a bit overwhelmed! By the fact that there's such nice other water-loving-creatures out there who...
Day 1,599
on the rocks
discovering new paths in a well-known area #theme-vernal
Day 1,624
trying hard...
To make some texture with my tentacles. Even worse knots and confusion in my tentacles than a week ago, and the result was just... meh....
Day 1,656
Day 1,663
daily rout(in)e
On March 13, the Swiss Federal Council declared the extraordinary situation for our country due to the Corona virus. Since that day, m...
Day 1,688
good night, sun!
Sunset at the bay of Saint-Malo
Day 1,799
Day 1,872
I have never seen as much snow in this place yet! ☃️
Day 1,874
we discovered this interesting non-place on our walk today. It is under the Swiss highway nr. 1 and hosting some nice graffities. The walkin...
Day 1,908
looks like spring!
The world from the point of view of#little-beetle
Day 1,968
Construction site, day 20 - This was the first day I forgot to take a Tooka-Pic! Our kitchen was finished today and in the evening we cleaned it a...
Day 1,974
hi there!
@120mr remembered me about #creative-animal-tuesday - so here he is, Pulpo! The world from the point of view of #little-beetle
Day 1,977
aua! ouch!
Some of the stunts made for the last 100 pics where too much for #little-beetle - he is now going to take a break.