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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 298/365
664 streak
Day 1,564
end of a day
... and of business as usual. Especially if you're a teacher. Or a pupil. Or a parent of pupils. Or grandparents. For everybody, probably...
Day 1,566
on a walk
More and more restrictions because of that virus - it's safest to just go out and walk or go on a bike tour. And I mean, why should we trave...
Day 1,571
Baby, you forgot the camera in the washingmachine!
I think this was to expect from me today? #theme-at-home #my-pandemic-washingmachine
Day 1,574
Pulpo stole my camera II šŸ™šŸ¤¬
First photo photo Pulpo ever took. Obviously not yet a very experienced photographer šŸ˜… Thanks @marta_ii for the idea! For...
Day 1,575
Pulpo stole my iPad too šŸ™šŸ˜³
... and is still taking selfies #my-pandemic-bathroom
Day 1,581
Tookafight. I won.
The Pulpo Takeover, day 6 šŸ™ "Stupid fish!" she shouted at me. BUT I AM NOT STUPID! I JUST WANT TO HAVE SOME TOOKAFUN! AND I AM PULP...
Day 1,582
The Pulpo Takeover, day 7 šŸ™
Day 1,590
nom nom... no. Not yummy!
The Pulpo Takeover, day 15 šŸ™ I always thought that easter bunny would be something of the most tasty and sweet I'd ever eat....
Day 1,597
Shake hands and tentacles
The Pulpo Takeover, day 22 šŸ™ The Return I got back my camera and the tablet and my account after a 3-week-takeover by Pulpo....
Day 1,606
We walked past a colza field that filled the whole valley.
Day 1,607
orange streak
I had my camera with me on a bike tour today only to figure out that it's battery was empty when I wanted to take a pic... So I took a p...
Day 1,609
the older and the newer bridge
The road bridge on the left side and the railway and pedestrian bridge on the right side.
Day 1,614
Green city
We thought that since today was a rainy day we could easily walk towards the city centre without meeting too many people. And that's how it...
Day 1,618
River Amazon?
River Aare
Day 1,632
magic rainbow pencil from unicorn land
Rainbow Pencil by Duncan Shotton. #theme-minimal-still-life #rainbow
Day 1,636
Bye-Bye, River Rhein
Another bicycle tour in the area where we passed our mini-holidays from tuesday to today. This was the last glimpse I caught of t...
Day 1,638
Can you hear me play?
That instrument with 88 black and white keys fits me best after all. 10 keys per tentacle is ok #theme-sound #the-pulpo-takeover...
Day 1,643
in clouds
Day 1,644
This is a really bad pic, is it? Or maybe not? I kind of like it even if it's out of focus and a bit blurred, the composition is a non-co...
Day 1,650
poppies and the skyscrapers of Wittigkofen, Bern
Day 1,652
Good morning, Chameleon!
Did you sleep well? #theme-morning #the-pulpo-takeover #creative-animal-tuesday
Day 1,651
memorable evening
Our first band rehearsal since more than 3 months...! And we started directly with pre-productions for our recordings. It did not fe...
Day 1,671
Day 1,673
I am so much the weekly theme
kind regards, Pulpo šŸ™ #theme-green #the-pulpo-takeover #creative-animal-tuesday