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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 299/365
665 streak
Day 936
half-timbered houses (Riegelhäuser)
On a visit in one of the probably best preserved medieval villages of Switzerland, Gottlieben. It feels like walki...
Day 938
abstract motion #30
This theme of the week is a challenge. Downloaded a raw shoot app to ma phone to be able to control shutter speed and focus manual...
Day 1,028
#night #monday #train #locomotive #track #tunnel #blur #speed #travel #engine #station #perspective #train-station #railway #platform #commuter...
Day 1,046
Our little friend in the garden. 'Besen' means 'broom' in German. In Swiss German we say 'Bäse' and Bäsi is the nickname for our good old broom....
Day 1,053
what happens...
#october #fall #nature #friday #food #evening #wood #color #red #leaf #brown #yellow #orange #fruit #heart #gold #bright #desktop #clo...
Day 1,054
what happens... (2)
#morning #october #autumn #fall #nature #food #saturday #cooking #red #leaf #brown #yellow #orange #fruit #heart #pepper #desktop...
Day 1,081
good old train
This train that runs on the RBS tracks since many years (eighties?) and also on the FLP, our other way-home-train when we are in holida...
Day 1,129
Indemini Indemini is a little village on the steep hills Of Monte Gambarogno close to the Swiss-Italian border. It is very well preserved and walking...
Day 1,180
flying tree
I was awakened by the noise of a helicopter this morning, and when I looked out of my window I saw trees flying by. #tree #helicopter #fly...
Day 1,182
I took only one picture today...
#shadow #blackandwhite #architecture
Day 1,214
Berner Oberländer
The real newspaperman #newspaperman #sitting-and-reading #theme-stairs #re-colored #man
Day 1,231
Luxemburg and Europe
We passed a day at Schengen, quite a small village but quite an important place for the Europeans - even Switzerland, which is no...
Day 1,279
Lünersee is still covered with ice. I think this is quite unusual for the 2nd of June...!
Day 1,302
poppies, finally
Well, after seeing all these awesome poppy pics I didn't want to take my own. But when I passed by this huge poppy field on the way t...
Day 1,303
Tiny flat humans and a cat - or a huge cat and normal humans
I swear that I did not put the cat there! 😂 #theme-tiny-humans #cat #street-sign #fun
Day 1,305
small international Tookameeting
Today I met @tigg and her family under a more or less shade-giving tree in the heat of Bern. I really enjoyed meeting...
Day 1,308
Swiss Post at work
Day 1,314
View over the Berner Seeland (Bernese Lake Land)
Long bike tour in the heat...
Day 1,365
ici c'est Bien(ne)
I went on an architectour around the city of Biel/Bienne (bilingual city German/French). The city's architecture is very multifacet...
Day 1,381
soft sheep and hard stones
#little-sheep #plush-animalheep #soft #animal #toy-animal #plush #pebbles #stones
Day 1,382
living a hen's life
We visited an animal sanctuary today where our pupils (and we 😃) could pet hens, goats, horses, a cow, sheep etc. All of them were...
Day 1,412
did you see...!?
I discovered these two frogs in a decommissioned waste water treatment plant which was opened to the people as some sort of industria...
Day 1,420
magic mushroom
Today we discovered this little mushroom growing in a indoor plant pot in our apartment 😬
Day 1,426
Seen from the Kursaal terrace