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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 304/365
670 streak
Day 2,355
water cups
... for painting, not for drinking :-P
Day 2,380
dreamy garden
Day 2,398
Day 2,476
Lägh da Cavloc
another hike from Malojapass #mountainlake #nature #latesummer
Day 2,525
little mountain with a view
Bantiger. But no tiger here! Tigers banned 😆
Day 2,509
light and shadow
at the Grindelwald light festival
Day 2,507
It doesn't happen too often that the doors of one of the beautiful backyards of the village are open so you can sneak and peek in!
Day 2,192
x-mas at the railway station
such a long day... tired!
Day 2,195
saxes and the absorBEAR
The bear moved from our sleeping room to the office/atelier/music room when I did home recording for the band. I hoped he woul...
Day 2,196
Christmas handycraft
Tried something with star-shaped bokeh. Did not work too well yet.
Day 2,200
christmas tree
Day 2,206
Day 2,213
chameleon records
recording session for the band 🎷
Day 2,235
Day 2,255
a light
Day 2,283
may be a bit overprocessed but I swear one shadow was blue and the other yellow! #standwithukraine #theme-freedom
Day 2,326
3 bridges
We travelled all the way from Bern to the Slovenian capital by train today!
Day 2,332
in the roads of Ljubljana
on a little shopping tour in a lovely old part of the city
Day 2,347
devoted mother (or father?)
Yesterday the first dove chicken hatched and today the second one too. We called them Frida and Bert. They are so sweet......
Day 2,362
ice flowers
Day 2,374
bokeh and dust
Day 2,397
#mirroring #sky #clouds
Day 2,411
kissed by a fox
#godchild #fox #playing
Day 2,417
København finally
after a ride with the night train from Balsel to Hamburg, a 3-hour stopover there and another train ride of about 5 hours we arrived...