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Just remembering life
#7 25/365
1 streak
Day 2,195
Keeping me happy
Day 2,204
a shitty pic for a shitty day
Day 2,201
Nosey part two
Some things never change
Day 2,194
Back with a dog, of course
It's always a dog. If I don't take at least one photo of my dog in a day, I'm probably dead or nearly.
Day 2,193
It's thrilling stuff, ain't it?
Getting a little snack for myself. These are my feet. 🤷‍♀️ Please note: they are not the snack.
Day 2,192
Added to tbr
It's always a risk to go to the library when I have other books already planned to read. ARCs, book club picks, other library loans that...
Day 2,196
Time to read
Which is typically any possible time I have where I'm not doing something else
Day 2,197
Where was I?
No, really, I went back and saw this photo and had to remember where I was when I took it bc I didn't recognize it.
Day 2,198
uh oh
Accidentally scared a hawk carrying a pigeon out of the bush in the back yard. Looks like it had only gotten started, thankfully. Nothing for my...
Day 2,199
more snow!
Except its those tiny ice pellet kind of snow and not fluffy flake snow. Makes an interesting clattering sound on the leaves.
Day 2,200
Tried to learn my camera
aka my phone in "pro" mode with the manual controls. it has been -so long- since I actually did anything more "photography" a...
Day 2,202
the snow has arrived
the sky this morning was flat gray as the storm finished. the sky this afternoon was fluffy blue and white and sunny. gorgeous al...
Day 2,203
there's no way that's comfortable?
just smashed her foot into the chair leg, toes splayed to either side. xD she demands pets!
Day 2,205
say hello to my little friend
no, seriously also i'm confident i have made this exact joke before somewhere in my tookapic uploads over the years. som...
Day 2,206
still some snow!
Day 2,207
Valentine's Vet
this was not intentionally planned but things just worked out this way xD doggo is all good, just routine stuff. she certainly hated i...
Day 2,208
We have snow! For now at least. Went out for a little extra walk to try my hand at getting fast flakes and such. Most of the pictures are...
Day 2,209
This is still a dog journal
This time with pillows! It makes me laugh so much when she uses pillows for her head. I never knew until living with a dog...
Day 2,191
It's very nice isn't it?
I love tracking the shades of blue. That lapis lazuli, cobalt, deep blue sea blue of just-about-night is so gorgeous. That is...
Day 2,210
No one asked for this
But she insists on cramming her head directly under the wheels of my chair. I'm always aware of her so no issues with me bumping...
Day 2,211
Day 2,212
Something new
Day 2,213
ice cream until 10pm
because even when it's 9F / -12C, we still want a cold tasty treat. and honestly? the place was PACKED. there were plenty of peop...
Day 2,214
a new sight
there were small ice floes in the river and some seagulls were stood on them just floating about. not sure if it was just for fun, or if t...