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Just remembering life
#7 60/365
1 streak
Day 1,825
Sun before heading home
Today's our last day but we got an afternoon flight so we have that much more pool time 😁
Day 1,824
Making the best of my leap day 😍
That waterrrr man was it gorgeous!!
Day 1,823
Tough choice
Honestly I have so many more amazing photos of this day. It was extremely hard to choose just one. I went with this one because it was a...
Day 1,822
Love side by side
Oh, god. This is everything I needed. 🥰 Started our day with a luxurious massage session and maaaaan was that great.
Day 1,821
Soothing sea
Spent all day by the water, drinking free drinks and being served by lovely people. Thank you, lovely people, for doing an excellent job...
Day 1,820
Hello Mexico
THANK GOD, Y'ALL. I desperately needed this escape. Couldn't have been better timing, after all the stress and delay and work that went i...
Day 1,819
"Entry Level Requirements"
What kind of bullshit is this? How in the hell is 7 years of experience entry level? God, Boston, get your expectations tog...
Day 1,818
Current reads plus one
and then, when I say "man I'm reading a lot of books at once right now" I start yet another book. But this one is to help manag...
Day 1,817
I have a thing where I read a lot of books at the same time...
Day 1,816
It totally was an accident that I even misspelled the title of this which was supposed to say oops
Day 1,815
She's leaving us, which is actually definitely in her favor. But sucks for us poor shmucks left behind. At least we get consolation cake....
Day 1,814
Old School
Day 1,813
Odd intro
Day 1,812
All the books I've never loved
By which I mean I bought them and they sat on my shelf forever and now I need to decide if I'll bother keeping them or...
Day 1,811
More love to TES
Because the image for soap is definitely a cheese wedge
Day 1,810
Book love!`
More than Words did a blind date with a book section and you better believe I went for it. Love to my babe for taking me to a bookstore on...
Day 1,809
So shiny
Day 1,808
Lunch dessert
We were about to wrap up our team lunch when I got the text from a coworker: "Fire alarm went off, don't come back." So I convinced our...
Day 1,807
What "didn't end well" looks like
So remember when I said that Tiesto show (+Lasers) didn't end well? Thaaaat would be because some girl smashed my fo...
Day 1,806
Not quite what I'd planned
Day 1,805
Remember that quote
Day 1,804
But unfortunately this did not end well...
Day 1,803
This was probably prior to the foot smashing
Day 1,802
Tree drool
If only it were a birch or maple and I could harvest the drool for syrup... as it is, I have no idea why my tree was foaming. Rabies?