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Just waddling around to have fun and learn.
#1 239/365
1 streak
Day 195
Aga :)
Staying at "home", socialising by the windows #theme-at-home
Day 1
Day 1.
K. Gonciarz zainspirował mnie do wyjścia z domu i poznania swojego miasta na nowo. Lubię takie drobne, samotne tułaczki - mogę patrzeć, słuchać...
Day 129
Fog, smog and nothing more
Cracovian park Błonia, about 9.30, taken during the walk from home to the university.
Day 127
#nofilterneeded sunshine interrupted by a pigeon
The most impressive one this year. It's un-retouched, really. I spent the whole day at home studying,...
Day 2
Urban nugget
A ja tam lubię te latające szczury.
Day 121
Day 115
My best friend. A person who has given me love and courage. And a special one that I spend the New Year's Eve with everytime for 5 years.
Day 120
Urban typo
I usually join my casual walks with looking for diverse typography in the city. #theme-bright-colors
Day 148
Day 128
Sitting in the bibliotheque, revising stuff.
Day 239
Agnieszka the great model
My qwq friend, neighbour and project partner, you probably already know her well, she's a frequent model on my tookapic ;) T...
Day 89
Day 32
Look down for Pierre d'Olnique
Day 28
Day 69
lamps telling jokes and other nice things
Such a long, creative and impressive Friday. This is exceptionally not a photo taken by me, but by – one and...
Day 118
Day 131
With every day of this week I'm getting closer to pass this semester and to move to France for a while. Only tomorrow's left - it's gonna be hard, but...
Day 159
taken during a really short moment between doing some homework and my friends coming unexpectedly like a spanish inquisition to my room to analyse pro...
Day 203
Let me out
Long time no see, sun!
Day 44
Day 52
close enough ;)
Day 123
4th month on Tookapic!
and my recently favourite quote to live by, from the book "Fail it!" written by awesome Erik Kessels. I guess this is so import...
Day 133
The neighbourhood
That was a day when I FINALLY could leave house peacefully not thinking too much about duties to do. Just go out to see places, peop...
Day 150
And Ola. During another sunny walk in Pau. I pretty hate the fact that I should start using sunscreen (it's February!), but overall — there's rea...