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Lauren Huston

Female who floats between Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney (although mostly Brisbane and Melbourne). Occasionally with a bout of pink hair.
#9 183/365
636 streak
Day 1,294
Incoming Tide
It's amazing how quickly the tide was coming in. I was literally watching the water coming closer and closer as one consistent flow.
Day 1,301
Red sky at night
delight. Can never remember who.
Day 1,372
Melbourne City
Another chance to get some Melbourne city photos! A stitched panorama.
Day 1,379
An afternoon and evening wander around Docklands
Day 1,223
After a day of rain, the clouds cleared to the east giving the appearance of a beautiful blue sky. If I'd taken a photo behind me to the west,...
Day 1,224
I've shot from here a few times, but generally not from this angle! We received a lot of rain in a short period, so the puddles were still...
Day 1,231
Afternoon at the Jetty
I saw we had some colour in the sky, grabbed the camera and came down to the jetty. It was so busy! I don't remember the last t...
Day 1,259
Late Afternoon
Again, I'm quite impressed with how well the little Mavic Mini handles itself, both with flying and with shots.
Day 1,282
I had to hold my head very still but I managed to get down to the jetty when I noticed the sky was turning pretty colours.
Day 1,284
It was an overcast day with no expectations of a nice sunset .... then suddenly I realised the clouds had cleared a bit and a burst of golden...
Day 1,289
Milky Way
I was bad and stayed up waaaaaaaayyy too late, but it was a crystal clear sky and no clouds and no moon. First Milky way of the year! I don'...
Day 1,317
It was a rainy overcast day and I wasn't expecting to get anything at all. Just before sunset I noticed the trees outside had turned orange, a...
Day 1,354
Maybe one of the last times I will have photos from Shorncliffe....movers come tomorrow.
Day 1,385
The forecast was for clear skies, so I logged out from work an hour early and jumped on a bus. Well, sat at the bus stop because the bus was 15...
Day 1,099
The beach
This was the day that I realised that my waterproof shoes are no longer waterproof.... I think it was worth it though.
Day 1,211
"Go away already and stop taking photos of me!"
Day 1,244
The train arriving on platform 2....
A spur of the moment, handheld image created with the use of the light painting/silky water setting on my phone.
Day 1,292
I was checking the mail and saw there was a low tide. So I grabbed the camera and tripod and had a look. It was an overcast day, and I guess the...
Day 1,299
California Dreams
It's not too often that I photograph here during the day, but I went for a walk after work and took the camera. Getting a bit uneasy...
Day 1,338
Big eyes
Day 1,446
I've been given approval to work from the office again, which is certainly good for my mental health, being allowed to leave the house. Not really leg...
Day 1,460
I missed the actual storm due to being in a meeting. But I'm never one to turn away reflections...
Day 1,146
Another of my favourite spots.
I love the reflections I get in this lagoon. Unfortunately because we've had so little rain, the size of the lagoon was...
Day 1,303
The only exciting thing that happened in the day was that I left the house to go to the shops. Twice, in fact, because I was an idiot and forgot...