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Lauren Huston

Female who floats between Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney (although mostly Brisbane and Melbourne). Occasionally with a bout of pink hair.
#8 241/365
328 streak
Day 2,010
Attempt #2
I think I did better this time.
Day 2,011
Fireworks #3
I'd scouted this spot but didn't 100% know if it would work. About half an hour before the fireworks were due to start, the wind changed...
Day 2,022
Clydey looking all smug becuse he took Bonnie's favourite spot on the cat tree.
Day 2,067
Oh to be a cat, and spend the day sleeping on a comfy blanket.
Day 2,069
It was looking doomy and gloomy but I had hope for a nice sunset... glad I stuck with it.
Day 2,087
First milky way of the year. Clouded out :(
Day 2,118
I made cake! It's about 1 inch of cake and the rest is pure chocolate mousse.
Day 2,125
I'ts been a long time since I've done a panorama of the milky way! I swear light pollution is getting worse out there though.
Day 1,830
Day 1,855
Day 1,859
Half and Half
One of the jokes about Melbourne is that you always carry around with you an umbrella, a jacket, and summerwear, as the weather is prone...
Day 1,867
Day 1,873
Last minute run to Albert Park Lake, I think it was worth it :)
Day 1,879
Day 1,946
I missed another storm, I went to the city but it went south. But I found a spot to watch it go past. The chainlink fence, rubbish, and sto...
Day 1,959
Day 1,989
Went to the zoo and caught the gorillas during their lunch.
Day 1,995
Not the most exciting sunset but it was nice to go out and see one.
Day 1,998
I didn't think we'd get a sunset, as it was quite overcast, and was getting weird looks from random people as I was set up with the tripod. Gue...
Day 2,001
There was some nice high cloud sitting there, but it drifted away right on sunset. Blue hour was still nice though.
Day 2,035
Day 2,040
Moon through the clouds.
Day 2,053
Day 2,105
Even though we're facing east here, this was sunset.