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Lauren Huston

Female who floats between Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney (although mostly Brisbane and Melbourne). Occasionally with a bout of pink hair.
#8 362/365
450 streak
Day 1,326
I think I may be running out of ideas.
Day 1,000
More than anything this was an experiment with two somewhat reluctant volunteers holding the sparklers. :)
Day 400
What a difference a month makes with axial rotation. Probably didn't even need my 14mm to shoot this. Possibly one of the, if not the last mil...
Day 2
Welcome 2016
New Years fireworks display in Brisbane #friday #afternoon #january #fireworks #2016 #theme-new-year #brisbane #brisbane-city
Day 472
Home Time!
I was all ready to upload another cat photo today - it's been a nice quiet day with not much else happening. But no, I decided to see if i...
Day 349
Another last minute run to the middle of nowhere to try to take advantage of clear skies. And another weird night with the weather. It was clea...
Day 491
Roll Clouds
We've had two very very hot days this weekend - Yesterday was not only hot, but also uncomfortably humid as well, which resulted in a nice...
Day 529
City on the Edge
I love this city at dusk. It does make some lovely shots. :) #office #evening #downtown #tuesday #city #reflection #urban #sky #citys...
Day 687
After waking at 3am to see the eclipse, I messed up the shots and so here is a photo of the sunrise immediately after. :) #morning #nature #sa...
Day 697
Cotton Candy
I should have uploaded this last night. I could see there was a large amount of fluffy clouds but none were close to the sunset direction...
Day 519
I had an adorable photo of Bonnie lined up to use for today's photo, but a completely random storm showed up at sunset, so I ran out the door t...
Day 2,000
I'm not sure if she's just told the most hilarious joke ever, or stepped on a piece of lego.
Day 2,555
If I'd realised it was my anniversary photo then I'd probably have tried something a little more exciting but I'll never regret using Clydey as my dai...
Day 573
Doom and Gloom
Another day where I could see it was going to be a nice sunset, only this time I was stuck at work. Because I work so close to the ferr...
Day 672
Bribie Island
I was intending to go out for drinks with people after work last night, but a friend invited me to Bribie Island for a milky way shoot.....
Day 759
Raining in the city
Myself and my friend went to see the new Doctor Who season premiere in the cinema - whilst inside we were hit by a massive storm s...
Day 788
Bit of a streak photo, I knew there was a nice sunset building but had too much stuff to be doing at home so this is from above the backyard. #...
Day 1,460
I missed the actual storm due to being in a meeting. But I'm never one to turn away reflections...
Day 294
Malmsbury Viaduct
So it's my third time here and finally I managed to see the stars. I arrived later than I intended, so I had just on 2 hours to work...
Day 545
The Rush of Buses
I was all lined up for a nice sunset - facing south west, there was a beautiful gap between the clouds and the horizon that the sun...
Day 667
The Shed
I caught the train for 2.5 hours to stand by the side of a busy road, getting grumpy at traffic for constantly shining headlights into the sh...
Day 2,786
We had some time in the morning for a wander around the city, so we enjoyed some sunshine and the ferry and went looking around my old stomping ground...
Day 26
There's a storm coming Harry
A very active storm for lightning - there were lightning strikes every few seconds. The storm was only very small and ver...
Day 38
Princes Pier
Unfortunately it was overcast, not blue sky like the last time I was here, which meant the water isn't as blue-green as I'd like, but it...