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Kyle Kokotajlo

#3 181/365
181 streak
Day 166
Wild mulberries.
Harvested a bunch from a couple of trees that are in my yard, quite tasty. #afternoon #monday #june
Day 167
#evening #tuesday #june
Day 236
Too tired this evening, quick shot around my house. I will rested and ready to explore for a new location to shoot tomorrow after work since I d...
Day 299
Fall on fire.
Today was the last day with my telephoto until I can save up to own one myself. While out shooting I found some turkeys in the woods beh...
Day 332
Epic weekend.
Nothing like spending a ton of quality time with your best friends and that is how this long holiday weekend summed up. This is just a s...
Day 366
I really wasn't going to start again, I was procrastinating on the a travel day back from our friend's house in Va. I am so used to having pho...
Day 386
Red-shouldered hawk.
Spotted this bird chilling watching the sunrise as I headed into work. Either looking for food or maybe just trying to warm up. #...
Day 505
Duck weed pond.
I have rented a wide angle lens for a trip this weekend up to Cape Cod. I am hoping the weather will cooperate but I am unsure. I had...
Day 75
Eastern gray squirrel.
Mammal for a change. #afternoon #monday #march
Day 128
#friday #evening #may
Day 176
Magnetic cube.
#thursday #night #june
Day 69
Cat's eye.
Tobias was being a semi cooperative subject and since I despise most pictures of myself this will probably be as close as I come to posting...
Day 120
Mystery lawn plant flower thingy.
I usually like to be able to identify the flora or fauna I am photographing but I have no clue what this cool purple...
Day 131
Handmade quilt.
The best of all presents ever. Quick shot because I have to be up silly early for work. Excuse me while I use this to get some shut ey...
Day 335
Geologic details
Part 1 of 2 of rocks etc. that reside on a co-workers desk, figured they would make good models for the theme. #afternoon #tuesday #d...
Day 350
Monkey in a tree.
#evening #wednesday #december
Day 411
#afternoon #monday #february
Day 451
Colorful smile.
We had a pre-Easter balloon flight today, ended up being pretty windy so only a few daring and skilled pilots took to the air. #aftern...
Day 233
Veined glass.
Had a nice evening with my wife and daughter on Princeton's campus, such a target rich environment. I will have to spend more time there...
Day 364
New Year meatballs.
Spending the last two days of my project in Virginia spending new years with my best friend and his wife. I can't believe I am on...
Day 460
Macro shenanigans. #evening #monday #april
Day 564
Upside down dinner.
Some beetle munching on a milkweed leaf, too lazy to try to research the species. #evening #sunday #july
Day 40
Antique furniture.
Hand carved by my wife's great great great? grandfather who built this furniture in England at some point in the 1880s-1890s. #even...
Day 61
Carolina Chickadee.
Had a delayed opening at my work this morning so I took the opportunity to take some pics before I had to go. I warned you I would...