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Phillip Flores

I live in Sydney, Australia.
#5 135/365
1 streak
Day 1,211
No More Swimming
I went back tonight to the other side of the beach, where people can actually swim. The beach is now closed, i.e. there are no more l...
Day 1,210
Toowoon Bay
On a family holiday with our daughters and sons-in-law as well as with our three grandchildren.
Day 1,209
A Mini Tragedy
Today, we noticed that two of the chicks were on the ground. We first thought that they were dead, but fortunately, they were still mov...
Day 1,208
Feeding Time
This is the female blackbird that laid her eggs in our backyard. They (her mate) have been very busy feeding the new chicks as we observe...
Day 1,207
Day 1,206
We Have Chicks!
The eggs (3) that this common blackbird laid hatched in the last few days. She does not mind that we keep checking on her and her nest...
Day 1,205
Lights And More Lights
This was at the wedding reception of my daughter. She got married last 27th of June 2021. But, because of the lockdown, it was...
Day 1,204
View From Hargreaves Lookout
All blue skies in the image, but it was not so where I lived. It was bleak and dreary, and going up the Blue Mountains vi...
Day 1,203
Azalea Flower
Day 1,202
Waiting For The Eggs To Hatch
This common blackbird made her nest in one of the shrubs in our backyard. She laid three eggs previously, but none of th...
Day 1,201
St Gregory's Catholic Church
This little church is in Kurrajong, NSW, Australia and has been on this site for over 200 years. Some headstones date fro...
Day 1,200
Pugh's Lagoon
This duck is one of the resident water fowls of Pugh's Lagoon at Richmond, NSW, Australia.
Day 1,199
Jacaranda Trees In Bloom
This time of the year, the Jacaranda trees start flowering, and often times these purple flowers cover the entire tree. In th...
Day 1,198
More Water
I took this photo standing at the Yarramundi Bridge at Yarramundi, NSW, which is not far from where I live. The river is at its most narrow...
Day 1,197
Water Level Rising
The water level of the river near where I live is remarkably higher than a few days ago. This is not unexpected as we've had rain a...
Day 1,196
All Ready For Christmas
Day 1,195
Day 1,194
Yellow Rose
Day 1,193
Crossing The Bridge On A Rainy Day
Day 1,192
Day 1,191
Day 1,190
Another Try
The eggs that were laid a month ago hatched but, unfortunately, the chicks did not survive. One of them fell out of the nest and, we notic...
Day 1,189
Day 1,188