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Phillip Flores

I live in Sydney, Australia.
#5 135/365
1 streak
Day 1,187
Day 1,186
And Another!
Since this day, the birds are taking turns sitting in the nest. They seem not to mind us and seems comfortable with us around.
Day 1,185
Another Egg!
Day 1,184
One Egg
A pair of common blackbirds decided to build their nest in our backyard. It was low enough to enable me to take a photo.
Day 1,183
An Old Shed
Day 1,182
Vanishing Point
Day 1,181
Mammatus Clouds
First time to see an actual one and not just in photos.
Day 1,180
Day 1,179
Day 1,178
Day 1,177
Day 1,176
Day 1,175
Day 1,174
Day 1,173
Afternoon Playtime
Day 1,172
Day 1,171
Day 1,170
Day 1,169
These are the effects of the flooding that we had towards the end of March this year.
Day 1,168
Day 1,167
Day 1,166
Day 1,165
Day 1,164