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Phillip Flores

I live in Sydney, Australia.
#5 135/365
1 streak
Day 923
Day 922
Day 921
Inside Legends Bakery
Day 920
Day 919
Fallback Subject
Rainy day.
Day 918
It has been raining since morning and it will be like this for the next two days. It will be challenge to keep the streak going.
Day 917
Day 916
View Of McMasters and Copacobana Beaches
The still water in the middle of the photo is a rock pool. It was low tide when I took the photo.
Day 915
Day 914
Fenced In
I intentionally focused on the fence rather on the cars to have a blurred background.
Day 913
Day 912
Worth The Drive
Tonight being a clear night I decided to drive some 65km. to get to the beach where there is less light pollution. The only issue I ha...
Day 911
Australian White Egret In Flight
Day 910
Day 909
4K Photo Attempt
Day 908
Train Tracks
These train tracks are for the driverless trains that go to the city.
Day 907
A Little Experiment
Today I received the delivery of the macro focus rail that I ordered so naturally I wanted to try it out.
Day 906
Day 905
Winter Fog
Day 904
Bedtime For Russell
Day 903
Female Kangaroo and Her Joey
Day 902
Day 901
Wireless Earbuds
Day 900