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Phillip Flores

I live in Sydney, Australia.
#5 135/365
1 streak
Day 899
Red Rumped Parrot
Day 898
Day 897
Old Sheds
Day 896
Almost Full Moon
Day 895
Another Farm Shed Photo
Day 894
Day 893
Sunset At Bushells Lagoon
Day 892
Waxing Gibbous
Day 891
Life And Death Revisited
First time I took a photo of these trees can be found here
Day 890
Magpie Lark
Day 889
My Go To Lens At The Moment
Day 888
Quick And Dirty Milky Way Shot
I took this photo from my backyard which has a lot of ambient light around. This was sort of a streak photo.
Day 887
Day 886
Two Trees In The Late Afternoon
Day 885
Fallen Tree
Day 884
Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans
Day 883
First Milky Way Photo Of 2020
There was some cloud cover when I arrived at the reserve. Luckily, after a few minutes it was clear enough to take a pho...
Day 882
Day 881
Farm Sheds
Day 880
Inside The House
I kept wondering how those real estate photos are made and I found out that most of them were created using bracketing and so today I...
Day 879
Day 878
Day 877
Two Dead Trees
Day 876
Sydney At Night