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Phillip Flores

I live in Sydney, Australia.
#5 135/365
1 streak
Day 875
White Cup
Day 874
My Very First Camera (Pentax MZ-50)
This little camera captured a lot of memories of my first two children when they were growing up. The youngest one...
Day 873
Cheese, Ham, and Egg On Toast
It's really amusing to prepare this photo at almost midnight and tag it with the this week's theme of #theme-morning.
Day 872
Day 871
Morning Dew
Day 870
Abandoned House
Day 869
Vegemite On Sourdough
The typical Australian quick snack (can also be on plain toast). #theme-kitchen
Day 868
Looking Down At The Nepean River
Day 867
Mr Pelican
Not the clearest as I got to the place just after the sun disappeared behind the mountains.
Day 866
Farm Shed and Moon
Day 865
Freshwater Rockpool At Night
Day 864
More Than Half
Day 863
Work From Home Essentials
A laptop, a docking station, phone, and earbuds are all I need (and coffee but I forgot the mug).
Day 862
Day 861
Ferry Crossing
The ferry carries cars who want to go to the other side of the river. It does not cost anything to cross the river.
Day 860
Half Moon
Day 859
Another Day Ends
Day 858
I have been thinking for sometime how to take this kind of photo and one day it occurred to me to use the burst mode of my phone's camera and...
Day 857
Sydney Opera House Sails
I took this photo from my office window which is about 3.0km away to check out how a 30x zoom looks like.
Day 856
In Adoration
A Tyburn nun kneeling in front of the Blessed Sacrament in adoration.
Day 855
Day 854
A New Toy
Lumix TZ80
Day 853
It is exciting to observe the life cycle of the Large Spotted Ladybird in my own backyard. After weeks of being just a larvae with with yellow...
Day 852
The Green And The Black