My Confetti Moon Thx!! @jokele
Margie Great job. I spy the "Oilcan Church!" My mother was a patient at UH and we also went often to the nearby arts area. I give you a lot of credit for making lemonade dealing with hospital lemons. Good wishes to your mother.
My Confetti Moon Thanks so much @Margie and appreciate the good wishes & words. So far the lemons here are sweeter! I will have to keep the art district in mind :)
Margie University Circle with the Museum of Art, Botanical Gardens etc. May be a nice respite for you and pretty close by.
Tomasz Dolata beautiful reflection!!!
My Confetti Moon Thank you! @Tomasz
Roman Czarny Fantastic shot reflections are amazing (say hello to mom)
My Confetti Moon Thank you very much @Roman , mom sends a return hello :)) & smile
bvphotosnap Beautiful lines and reflections! I do hope for the best for your mom!
My Confetti Moon Sincere thx! @bvphotosnap
Amarnath Shiva Wonderful colours and reflection
My Confetti Moon Always appreciate your comments & likes @Amarnath thank you!
jokele Looks great with the reflection, the colors and composition. Like it!