bvphotosnap Thank you very much @jayce!
Margie Very cool. Love the turquoise colors and super sharpness. I hope you had a driver. :))
bvphotosnap Thank you Margie! Oh yes, I was in the passengers seat, no distracted driving for me :D
Tomasz Dolata Stunning view,Wonderfull @bvphotosnap !!!
bvphotosnap Much appreciated @Tomasz thank you!! ☺
Romain wow... what a view...
bvphotosnap Thank you @Romain! It's nice when I don't have to drive ☺
Romain Yes, it's great to have someone who can drive you around.. .so you can enjoy the view...... and have a beer ;-)
bvphotosnap :D
jayce Superb view with the mountains background