Hey Kazziz :-). It was actually taken with my poor, shaking hands ;-). I try to practice taking photos like this because I feel they shake a lot and I'm trying to work on that. Plus I'm addicted to full blasted aperture and its depth of field ;-).
Thanks a lot for the advice!
Kazzi oh, I see :) I am really impressed, since holding 1/10sec photo is often a big deal for me, so great job - it's not like that photo is bad or something, it just could've been better with lower ISO (low-noise addict)
Marta Thank you, Kazziz! I really wanted soft light for this one and I only had some small, dim christmas tree lights, so I needed to bring up the ISO. But I agree with you on the noise, it's not what it used to be in analogue photography...
Kazzi there are free NIK Collection Lightroom (etc.) plugins that (especially Silver Effex) add noise based on different analogue films. Check it out in a while :)
Marta Thanks a ton! I've downloaded the software, it seems great! Much obliged :-)
Kazzi if You were taking it from a tripod, consider using lower ISO, closing the aperture a bit and letting the camera to use longer exposure time, like... 5 seconds, for example.
But if it was taken handheld - wow, congrats on holding 1/10s with 50mm!