Ron Dadoo chevy?
bvphotosnap Yes it is Hot Wheels and indeed a Chevy! ☺
Romain to be honest... I most of all like the transition at the background! good try-out!
bvphotosnap Thank you @Romain! What I succeeded in doing was eliminating the specular lights from all the chrome (this is why I picked the car because of the reflective surfaces it has) by diffusing two light sources without any kind of editing. Normally I would have adjusted the contrast a bit in ACR to help it stand out from the background. ☺
Romain that's the way we take pictures... thinking, trying... and most off all... to have fun to to this!
Tomasz Dolata Great range from white to gray,car too cool :)
bvphotosnap Thank you so much @Tomasz! I love the old muscle cars even if they are on a small scale :D
Margie Very well done! I like experimentation and you never know where it will lead.
bvphotosnap Thank you very much Margie! It actually took me awhile to diffuse the little Ikea desk lamp that was directly overhead as well as the room light while holding the diffuser and the remote ☺
Margie Great job! Multiphototasking!
Ron Dadoo HAHA hot wheels... ;-)