bvphotosnap hahaha your right @Tomasz, recycle :D
craig Cool covert capture!
bvphotosnap Thank you @craig! ☺
Margie All part of spring!!!! Fun capture.
bvphotosnap It really is and he's much more interesting than a photo of my hand washing windows ;)
Margie Now, there's a photo of me you will never get. My hand washing windows. :()
bvphotosnap hahaha :D
Romain Hm... is it not a little to late to pruning the trees right now? Trees are already 'done' here... all the branches already have buds (... BTW, is BUD the correct word, otherwise Mrs Google wasn't sober..., with bud I mean the place on a branch where a leave or blossom starts...)
bvphotosnap You are correct, it's bud :D Not all of the trees here are budding yet, so maybe this is why they are doing it now? :/ I think they are just trying to get rid of some branches so that it doesn't get in the way of the vehicles when parked...
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