Katrina Yu
You know what, the other day I was reading this romance novel where the guy's name is also Demon. When he "met the family" of the heroine, they were like "who names their children Demon".
Then I see your cat Demon and I'm like, why not. Just look how seductive they look!! Maybe the name does it. 😉
Urszula Stachowicz
Huh, if I had a child, I would name him Demon, just to see other people's reaction. :D But to be honest, I wanted to name my cat 'Behemoth' (also from the book), but I think Demon fits better. And it's easier to pronounce. :D
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Katrina Yu You know what, the other day I was reading this romance novel where the guy's name is also Demon. When he "met the family" of the heroine, they were like "who names their children Demon".
Then I see your cat Demon and I'm like, why not. Just look how seductive they look!! Maybe the name does it. 😉