tania Haha ! It is the privilege of (not old ;) but wise people to think like this about their not-decent-but-nevertheless-decent-photos.
Ian Prince Hard to pick just one ;)
That said, what I was trying to convey was that somedays I'm happy with a single shot and zero post-processing (like the photo on the 8th)...and somedays (like the photo here) I take many different shots during the day... and then in the evening discover I don't like any of them, and then spend waaaaay to long post-processing trying to have a photo I feel happy to upload. But that's OK too :)
Ian Prince Yes exactly. And you never know when you're going to have an "easy" day or a "hard" one... but that's half the fun of a project like this :)
vera I recognise the roofs of houses in Nyon-Rive! Rue de la Colombière on the top of your pic... isn't it? =)
Ian Prince Yes! Well spotted :) Shot from the castle, same spot as in this photo: "The tree and a man"
Bonus thing I leaned this year: check the level of the horizon before uploading ;)
vera Hihihi! hard to see the horizon on this one! But there are engough chemneys to draw perpendicular ;-)
Roman Czarny Piękne Wow
egzist Which one of your pics is not descent? Show me one :)