eventide When I saw it, I knew, that I must take photo and publicate it here :P
Krzysztof Maciejewski Whatever is its name, I would't be happy to discover it in my bathtube ;-)
eventide I also prefer it on a photo... What's more, a dolphin wouldn't fit in any bath :P
Monika_msos Świetna fotka, gdzie znajduje się ta pompa?
eventide Za fontannami na Placu Kościuszki, w głębi parku :) Dziękuję :3
Fajne kolory !
U nas mamy podobnego ... "decoration [282]"
eventide Wykorzystanie efektu zwiększenia cieni w Picasie często uatrakcyjnia zdjęcia ;) Tuż po dodaniu tego ujęcia odwiedziłam Twój profil i zauważyłam, że w Rzeszowie też można znaleźć rybkę na pompach :D
eventide That fish is fish, and dolphin is mammal :P Those today's biol - chem students :P
eventide I don't think that this classification changed a much during those years :P And when you were studying biol - chem, I was singing a songs in kindergarten, like "Jadą, jadą misie, śmieją im się pysie" :P
eventide But there are some areas, where nothing has changed, for example, dolphins were mammals and they still are mammals :P
m_rudziewicz Szczecin is full of surprises :)
eventide I'm still discovering some of them :D
Jan Buchta My first reaction was that it's something from Japanese art. I don't know, cousin of coo fish or just another creature.