Urszula Stachowicz Ostatnio wszystko stopniało więc trzeba było to naprawić ;)
vividcolourfabric Your description reminds me of all my not-so-perfect photos. Which means virtually all of them. But you don't have to be ashamed of this one. It's very good. I like this shade of blue you used as a background. :)
Urszula Stachowicz Heh, thanks. Usually I prefer vivid :p colors, but this time this navy blue worked better ;)
Urszula Stachowicz I like to play with my words 😶
vividcolourfabric Words are like food, right? :P
Urszula Stachowicz Hell yeah! Yummy!
Hahaha śnieg na zawołanie 😁
Urszula Stachowicz Jakoś go trzeba było sprowokować do sypania; )
Gosia But the nails are perfect! :D
Urszula Stachowicz Hehe, something has to :D
makebate Ha, as I said, your ideas for weekly theme are stunning!
Urszula Stachowicz Awww, thanks so much! <3
Urszula Stachowicz Dzięki! Ja też o tym nie pomyślałam. :P Miało być zupełnie coś innego. :P
Katrina Yu I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN!!! It's like you have this grand idea in your head and boom you end up with something different. BUT this is fascinating nonetheless!! Your ideas are getting better!
Urszula Stachowicz That's right. But this time it turned into something different because I failed with previous idea. ;)
maggaglen Dziś też pękła żarówka bo pada śnieg tu u mnie 😉 super:)