That's a nice macro lens. Judging by the EXIF data, you had some speed and ISO to give up in order to increase the depth of focus by closing down the aperture. I think macro shots of insects, flowers and such is where we have to check our learned admiration of shallow DoF (sometimes referred to as bokeh, correctly or not) and go for more of a curiosity factor: what does the body of the grasshopper really look like? Are the antennae segmented? Do legs have little hooks, etc. The fact that the extra blade of glass is sharper than the grasshopper is distracting and most unfortunate.
Krzysztof Widenka
Thank you for comment! I agree with you and I will do my best to improve my photos :)
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ponzu That's a nice macro lens. Judging by the EXIF data, you had some speed and ISO to give up in order to increase the depth of focus by closing down the aperture. I think macro shots of insects, flowers and such is where we have to check our learned admiration of shallow DoF (sometimes referred to as bokeh, correctly or not) and go for more of a curiosity factor: what does the body of the grasshopper really look like? Are the antennae segmented? Do legs have little hooks, etc. The fact that the extra blade of glass is sharper than the grasshopper is distracting and most unfortunate.