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craig I like it too! Beautiful colours!

NatZ Glad you like it :)

Bruce ,What' s not to like? :-) Nice capture NatZ, grain gives texture which can add to an image, which it does in this case :-).

NatZ It is just that I see through this image THE photograph that I wanted to make. I like the grain texture, but it is a bit too much for me in this case. I would have prefer a bit of a sharper capture, I think.

Bruce I can see what you were going for, maybe try another night to nail the exposure when things aren't so hectic :-). It can be intimidating on this site when you see a lot of excellent images; but we learn as much from our attempts as we do from our great shots. I, for one, usually shoot many so-so images even now before I get one I like :-).

Marta I like it too, it looks like a painting for me, a painting with wonderful colours and light😊 Great mood!

NatZ Thank you Marta! It must be the frustrated painter in me that tried to express itself through this photograph :D
There is something (a tiny tiny something) that made me think of the old boat paintings, like Edward Moran's.

EXIF data
Canon EOS 70D
Focal length
Shutter speed